HFIP Experimental Products

HFIP Hurricane Model Products Page


HFIP Products Overview

Warning, this is Experimental data only

This website contains experimental analysis and forecast guidance of unknown accuracy and reliability. This guidance is not intended to replace official advisory, forecast, and warning products issued by the National Hurricane Center and your local National Weather Service Forecast Office. Outside of the United States, please also refer to products issued by your national meteorological service. For official forecasts consult the National Hurricane Center.


This website contain experimental analysis and forecast guidance from the following organizations:

Modeling Groups

Product Guide

  1. )  Deterministic model products
  2. )  Probability products

1) HFIP Deterministic model products:

Graphics are generated for both the Regional Scale domain (also known as the parent domain) and when running a storm scale model is applicable, the Storm Scale domain (also known as the child domain). Display of the following variables for all deterministic models are available. These graphics are created using the GrADS visualization tool.

The variables listed above are consolidated into six specific images for each scale in the following configuration:

Regional Scale Graphics: (Sample graphics from TC Maria 15L, Sept 15, 2017 12Z, Operational HWRF run)


o Sea Level Pressure (mb), 10m Wind (kts), and 1000-850mb Layer Thickness (x10m)

o 700mb Geopotential Height (x10m), 700mb Wind (kts), and 700-500mb layer averaged Relative Humidity (%)

o Combination of 850mb Relative Vorticity (x10-5 s-1), 500mb Geopotential Height (x10m), and 200mb Wind (kts)

o 850mb Relative Vorticity (x10-5 s-1), Geopotential Height (x10m), and Wind (kts)

o 500mb Relative Vorticity (x10-5 s-1), Geopotential Height (x10m), and Wind (kts)

o 200mb Relative Vorticity (x10-5 s-1), Geopotential Height (x10m), and Wind (kts)

o Precip 6-hr Total, Sea Level Pressure (mb), and 1000-850mb Layer Thickness (x10m) (Sample graphics from TC Dalila 04E, Jul 1, 2013 12Z, Operational GFDL run)

Storm Scale Graphics (Sample graphics from TC Maria_15AL, Sep 18, 2017 0Z, Operational HWRF run)

o Sea Level Pressure (mb), 10m Wind (kts)

o 850mb Relative Vorticity (x10-5 s-1), 850mb Geopotential Height (x10m), and 1000-850mb Layer Thickness (x10m)

o 700mb Geopotential Height (x10m), 700mb Wind (kts), and 700-500mb layer averaged Relative Humidity (%)

o 200mb Temperature Anomaly (°C), Geopotential Height (x10m), and Wind (kts)

o Top: Total Wind (kts); Bottom: Relative Humidity (%), Temperature Anomaly (°C),Relative Vorticity (x10-5 s-1), and Meridional Wind (kts)

o Top: Total Wind (kts); Bottom: Relative Humidity (%), Temperature Anomaly (°C), Relative Vorticity (x10-5 s-1), and Zonal Wind (kts)

o Precip 6-hr Total, Sea Level Pressure (mb), and 1000-850mb Layer Thickness (x10m) (Sample graphics from TC Dalila 04E, Jul 1, 2013 12Z, Operational GFDL run)

Participating HFIP Global Models:

Operational GFS

Experimental FIM8

Experimental GFS EnKF

and, HFIP Regional Models:

Operational GFDL

Operational HWRF

Experimental WRF AHW NCAR

Experimental UWisc NMS

Experimental COAMPS-TC

Experimental GFDL Ens Mean

Model Diagnostics Graphics (Sample graphics from TC Maria_15AL, Sep 18, 2017)

There is value in seeing how well the models perform associated with the current model forecast. High-frequency Tropical Cyclone Forecast (HTCF) diagnostics are available for the Operational HWRF, Experimental AHW4 and UWN8 with the plots listed below. These graphics are created using MATLAB for numerical computation and visualization.

o Raw Intensity  forecast intensity (kts) based on the ATCF and HTCF tracker data

o Max/Min Intensity forecast intensity (kts): ATCF output and the max/min extremes based on the HTCF tracker

o Track & Intensity Forecast track and the location of the maximum wind.

o Minimum pressure  (hPa)

o Radius of Maximum Wind  (km), (RMW)

Model Diagnostics Text data files (Sample text from TC Maria_15AL, Sep 18, 2017. Sample image from TC Cristina 03E, Jun 09, 2014)

Text diagnostic files are available for the Operational GFDL and HWRF models and for some the Experimental models including AHW4.

o Storm & Sounding Diagnostic and image

To Products Guide (above) To Deterministic NWP model products, see http://www.hfip.org/data/?Path=nwp

2) HFIP Probability products:

CIRA, Andrea Schumacher

Operational NHC wind speed probability model with global model ensemble tracks. Plots are not based on one model, several ensemble models go into the solution: 133 tracks used: GFS (20), CMC (20), EMCWF (50), FNMOC (20), and UKMET (23).

o Hybrid dynamical-statistical Windspeed probabilities cumulative comparisons, 2020 06 02 00

Past participating:
GFDL, Tim Marchok
See ... NCEP/EMC GFS Para Cyclogenesis Tracking Hint: Select items from the 2nd column, after selecting the date

Past participating Ensemble Models:

NCEP (US National Center for Env Prediction) GFS Ensemble

CMC (Canadaian Meteo Centre) Ensemble

FNMOC (Fleet Numerical Meteo & Ocean Center) Ensemble

ECMWF (European Centre) Ensemble

To Products Guide (above) To Probability products, see http://www.hfip.org/data/?Path=prob

Product Guide URL's

  1. )  http://hfip.org/data/?Path=nwp Deterministic NWP products
  2. )  http://hfip.org/data/?Path=prob Probability products
  3. )  http://hfip.org/data/?Path=determine&dsKey=intercompare Track Intercompare
  4. ) Or, just go to   http://hfip.org/products/

Keyboard shortcuts for animating images

There are graphical buttons for controlling the animation of images. The controls are to the RIGHT of each animaiton.

These animation options can also be controlled by using your keyboard.

SPACEBAR = Start/stop animation

RIGHT arrow key → = Advance animation by 1 frame (+6 hrs)

LEFT arrow key ← = Reverse animation by 1 frame (-6 hrs)

DOWN arrow key ↓ = Slow animation speed *

UP arrow key ↑ = Increase animation speed *

<SHIFT>-F (while animating) = Animate forward

<SHIFT>-R (while animating) = Animate in reverse

<SHIFT>-B (while animating) = 'Bounce' animation

To skip an image, press the cooresponding frame number

Slow animation by changing the slider widget interactively, or with the UP and DOWN arrow keys

* (May not work on all browsers, namely FireFox on linux)

Products Webpage Working Group Members 2020 onward

Youngsun Jung, Lead – NWS/STI

Sikchya Upadhayay, Facilitator – NWS/STI

Paula McCaslin, Chair/Lead Engineer – NOAA/GSL

Paul Kucera – TCMT

Laurie Carson – TCMT

Dave Zelinsky – NHC

Past Products Webpage Working Group Members

Thiago Quirino – AOML

Laurie Carson – TCMT

Hao Jin – NRL

Paul Kucera – TCMT

Matt Morin – GFDL

Kate Musgrave – CIRA

Phil Pegion – ESRL/PSD

Dave Zelinsky – NHC

Weiguo Wang – NOAA/ EMC

With contributions from Timothy Marchok – GFDL

Initial Products Webpage Working Group Members

Paula McCaslin, Chair/Lead Engineer – ESRL/GSD

Robert Gall, Co-Chair – NWS/OST

Sheema Lett, Facilitator – NWS/OST

Laurie Carson – TCMT

Hao Jin – NRL

Paul Kucera – TCMT

Matt Morin – GFDL

Kate Musgrave – CIRA

Phil Pegion – ESRL/PSD

Thiago Quirino – AOML

Susan Sahm – ESRL/GSD/AMB

Sam Trahan – EMC

Dave Zelinsky – NHC

With contributions from Timothy Marchok – GFDL

To the top

Updated: July 2020